Classic red roses, embellished with a variety of white backing flowers, full of romantic and fairy colors and lines, create an elegant and charming Korean bouquet. The best choice for expressing love for the other half who values and loves deeply
The bouquet consists of two main flowers: Freedom rose and pea flower, which are matched with a variety of seasonal flowers.
STANDARD - in 10 stems with mix flower ~30-35cm
The bouquet is mainly made of Freedom roses and pea flowers,
Two main flowers - high-grade South American imported roses, matched with a variety of seasonal flowers.
*The pictures are for reference only, the bouquets are all made by hand, and the shape may not be completely consistent with the pictures. Should any of the flowers displayed be unavailable for any reason, we may substitute a similar color of equal or greater value to ensure prompt delivery
*If any flower shown is unavailable for any reason, we may make a substitution of equal or greater value in similar color to ensure timely delivery.